
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snow White Manicure

So as I write this I feel like I've been up forever. Somehow Jill managed to talk me into going to ride at 9:00 this morning so we could get into the arena before lessons. Considering my usual Sunday plans don't involve leaving my bed before 10:30, I'm not entirely sure how she managed to talk me into getting up at 8:00. Oh right she bribed me with Starbucks and a bagel from Tim Horton's... yes she actually had to go to 2 different coffee places to entice me to leave my nice warm bed. It was worth it though, I got to give snuggles to both my boys.

Okay next Princess up is Snow White, I seriously seriously dislike Snow White I pretty much just can't handle her voice. Why is it so high pitched??
I couldn't leave her out though.

Orly Au Champagne + OPI Wocka Wocka! = Snow White

There's a really good chance that Orly Au Champagne just became my new favourite White Frost.
... it did.

I initially tried using scotch tape to make all the lines straight but it adhered a little too well to the white and pulled up all the polish with it so I just free handed it. Not my best work but CERTAINLY not my worst either.

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