
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bed Head - Control Freak

Hey guys,

So last fall before I started this blog, on a whim I decided to purge my old nail polish collection. I had a handful of polish I hadn't touched in years and figured it sitting there was just pointless. So begun the great polish purge of 2011.

Anyways there was only a handful of polishes that made it through. A few SpaRituals, the Avon Mirrorshines, my OPIs, an Orly, and 3 Bed Head polishes.
Anyone who's seen my room has seen my extensive collection of Bed Head hair products (a hold over from my Cosmetology days) those were the days when I'd buy anything Bed Head I could get my hands on.

This is still one of my favourite red polishes I own.

This is
Bed Head - Control Freak

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