
Monday, September 10, 2012

OPI - Congeniality Is My Middle Name

Hey guys,

So tomorrow the Sons of Anarchy nails I've been promising will hit the web! So pumped, hopefully you guys are even just a tiny fraction as into it as I am, I feel like there are a handful of you guys who know me well enough now to understand that I tend to obsess over things. All in good fun.

So this polish I found for about half off, poor little OPI looked so sad, all the shimmer had settled to the bottom, a giant orange sale sticker on it. Seriously how could I not save it.
Turns out that once you shook this puppy up you get a very pretty berry coloured shimmer that had a slight jelly finish. Personally I can really see this as a colour to be used along with something else.
Not too shabby for the sale bucket

This is

OPI - Congeniality is My Middle Name

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