
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Nicole By OPI - My Empire My Rules

Hey guys,

Sorry about the slight hiatus. I've been really busy for the past few days and it really didn't even occur to me that I hadn't blogged yet. I got my first helmer yesterday! I love it so much. I actually didn't even realize how tiny they were. That being said it holds polish so nicely I have so much room left over. Now I just need to figure out what to do with my old drawer set. I'm thinking about putting my crafting supplies in there.

Anyways I'm on a huge NOPI kick right now so here's another swatch I've been sitting on for a while.  I'm so into these taupey grey colours. 

This is 
Nicole by OPI - My Empire My Rules
from the Kardashian Kolor collection


  1. I was thinking about getting a Melmer, but at that point, it's like, "OK I AM REALLY DOING THIS", haha! I honestly don't know what's really stopping me, I am stuffing like 200 polishes in this Rubbermaid container under my bed and it's kind of sad, haha. ANYWAY, I hold a soft spot for taupey grey colours too - do you have OPI You Don't Know Jacques? It's a very similar tone and feel to NOPI My Empire.. My Rules but it's a warmer colour. You might like it. :)

    1. I actually don't have that one, I've seen it it's gorgeous. I think I'm going to have to do a post about my new helmer because I am so in love with it.


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