
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

TV Inspired: Mad Men

Hey guys,

So yes back to work today for me anyways (the worst part of long weekends is the first day back to the grind. So depressing) Guess my weekend of smutty novels (I read a total of 4) and guilty pleasure movies (Magic Mike anyone?) had to come to an end. 
So today's manicure comes from Mad Men, I totally dig this show, even though I'm still only in season 2. My friend Jill and I decided to start watching this one together, and to do that I had to wait something like a month, so to keep me happy that prompted her to start sending me a "Daily Hamm" which is exactly what it sounds like. Daily pictures of Jon Hamm who is a flippin stone cold fox!!

Anyways love how this turned out.

for this I used
Bed Head - Mastermind
Orly Instant Artist in Jet Black & Fiery Red

1 comment:

  1. YES, I love how you did this! Don Draper across the nails looks so great!!! I kind of love Pete Campbell because he's ridiculous and tacky. I want to dropkick him in the face sometimes. Good to know you're only in Season 2. I won't give out any spoilers. :D


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