
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Lady Varnishes - You Remind Me Of The Babe

Hey guys,

You remind me of the babe
What babe?
The babe with the power
What power?
The power of voodoo
Who do?
You do
Do what?
Remind me of the babe.

Sorry I couldn't resist that is my ABSOLUTE favourite scene/song from The Labyrinth so when I saw there was a polish with the same name how could I not. EVEN though it was packed with bar glitter, and as a polish I wasn't stoked. I HAD to just because of the name.

Overall my feelings are mixed about this one. I kinda liked the colour scheme, but application was awful as it so often is with bar glitter. And then on top of everything it didn't build up like I expected it to. I should have used a white base. So these swatches are 3 coats by itself and one coat over black.

I appreciate what was trying to be done here and with these collections from The Lady Varnishes but somehow I just feel this one missed the mark. Dang bar glitter! If there was less bar glitter and more square glitter I think this could have been a hit.
Check out the rest of her polishes here on Etsy

This is
The Lady Varnishes - You Remind Me Of The Babe

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love it when friends and I go into random outbursts of "You Remind Of The Babe" lyric reciting. So much fun.

    I.... Really don't like this polish. Great name but the bar glitter paired with the squares... It just looks like a mess unfortunately. I can't believe that's three coats too. Ah well, cool name but the polish falls flat. :( Nothing wrong with your swatches!


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