
Friday, July 19, 2013

Bird Manicure

Hey guys,

What?! Some nail art?! Yay! 
So a couple weeks ago two of my dear friends finally got married (yes I say finally seeing as how they'd been dating for 9 years!) So I decided to do something fun and appropriate for the wedding, well that and Cindy told me that I had to have awesome nails for her wedding or else. 
First step was setting out on a quest to find the perfect blue to match her bridesmaids dresses. This perfect blue was Zoya Robyn which I have been looking for an excuse to buy for a while now.
She had birds all over her invitations so obviously I would do a bird.... now okay I tried to make this a sparrow but it looks a bit more like a crow. whoops. 

Anyways bottom line: She loved them, even though I broke a nail at the wedding. 

For this I used
Zoya - Robyn
Orly Instant Artist - Jet Black & Crisp White

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