
Friday, March 7, 2014

Julep Party's Over Glitter Removal System

Hey guys,

So I was going to wait a bit to post this, work on getting those old crappy pictures out of my drafts, but seeing as this system is currently on sale at it seemed fitting to post this now.

I am a big fan of the foil removal process, I am a foil hoarder, I will reuse foil until it falls apart. So I ordered like 300 precut foil sheets from Beyond The Rack for about $10 or something like that. Now I have precut foil coming out of my ears, especially since I love this system so much.

I've seen "nail caps" around the internet for a while all with semi mixed reviews, some people didn't like the way they attached to the fingers, or some loved them. Anyways when I saw this system on Julep's site I figured why not give it a try.

More after the jump

So the kit comes with 10 nail caps (realistically I usually only use 5 at a time to keep the other hand free, but for this I used all 10 at once) and then 5 sets of remover wipes which are cut into ten small squares. You can buy refill kits from Julep for about $8 if you're a Maven, $10 for everyone else. 

I used the kit to remove Nicole by OPI - Carrie'd Away a gold glitter bomb. Sorry for the washed out picture, my camera was having a stroke.
I covered each nail with one of the remover pads, these are infused with aloe so my skin felt nice afterwards and they didn't smell bad either.

Then you squeeze the sides of the cap and place it on your finger, once you release it "closes" on your nail. I wasn't sure how well this would work since the seal isn't close to being air tight. Worked great though, the pad didn't dry out at all.

After five minutes I began removing the caps. You're supposed to pinch the cap to your nail and slide off, and this is supposed to remove most of the polish in one swipe. They tell you to use the pad to remove whatever glitter is left. The next two pictures were the initial cap removal.

The next picture was after I used one of the pads to wipe away the rest of the glitter. Of course glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts so there is always some left over.

Overall I really like this and have already used it several times. I've also used it with cut up cotton pads, the same way I would with foil and it still worked great so I'm not worried about buying a refill kit.
Also if you're NOT a Julep Maven and would like to try it out click the button in the sidebar >> to sign up!

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