
Sunday, March 2, 2014

OPI - Pure

Hey guys,

So I am a firm believer in people should have to take a drivers test to be allowed to use the internet. I forget that "common sense" isn't common. All I wanted for this weekend was a weekend with minimal human contact. Seems like a simple enough concept right? Well yesterday we got hit by a phone scam trying to gain access to our home computer, saying we'd been hacked. Of course my Mom who knows nothing about computers and is very trusting by nature gave these people remote access to our computer. Luckily I stepped in and hopefully cut them off at the pass and found the malware they had installed on our computer. However just to be safe I spent the night changing all my passwords and cancelling my credit card and then having to go get a new debit card this morning. What a headache.

So when OPI released a white gold version of Man with the Golden Gun (which I still want) I got together with my NPBFF Melissa and we decided that we would buy it for each other for Christmas. Our logic makes sense right?
So I wish these pictures had turned out better this was obviously pre-lightbox. I loved this, the gold/silver flake pay off was great. According to Melissa, way better than MWTGG.
This is one coat over burgundy.

This is
OPI - Pure
over Personal Accents - Wine

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit that's your "one coat"?! And I thought my bottle had good flake payoff - that's insane! Yes buying each other the same item for Christmas is the best idea we've had yet!


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