
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Different Dimension - Just Keep Swimming

Hey guys,

So I had a very exciting day, my best friend finally adopted a dog! She is away at work right now so I went over and helped her mom go shopping. He's a 10 month old Lab cross (They said Lab x Akita but as a card carrying owner of an Akita I can officially say there doesn't appear to be a single Akita trait in that dog) named Apollo which is perfect because he is a golden tan colour (seems very appropriate for a dog named after the sun god)

Today I have a polish I actually wore ALL weekend, 4 whole days. I love blue strong holos, and if you have to pick one polish to wear for more than one day it may as well be a gorgeous one! I bought this in the same impulse purchase as Dueling Unicorns. It applied great and wore great too, no smurf fingers!
This was two coats.

This is
Different Dimension - Just Keep Swimming

1 comment:

  1. Wow cool for your friend. Do you have any pictures of the new dog? :-)

    What a pretty holo, I do like a blue holo :-)


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