
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Supernatural Lacquer - Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole

Hey guys,

So remember how yesterday I was saying my nail was almost cracked? Well yesterday I was at my coach's farm helping with some manual labour and my pinky nail got snapped off so I had no choice but to go to shorties, so the crack in my thumb was irrelevant. Honestly they were doing so well I felt like I was living on borrowed time anyways. I have a fair amount of back log so it will likely be a while before they show their sorry faces on here.

This week I have a few beauties from Supernatural Lacquer's Supernatural collection. New polishes and a restock happened today! CLICK HERE unfortunately my bank account hasn't let me get any of the new ones (yep sad face) but this week I have 4 of the earlier released to show you. First up is a black jelly with holographic glitter (micro and large).
Honestly application here was great. There was minimal fishing for bigger glitters and this is two coats!

Plus I really love the quote that inspired this polish. It's one I frequently repeat in my own vehicle and wish I had on a button so I could stick it on the passenger's visor.

This is
Supernatural Lacquer - Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts his Cakehole


  1. Sorry to hear about your nails! Oh well they'll grow quick again I'm sure.

    This is nice, I like the glitter :-)

  2. I am still trying to grow out my breakage from my vacation. Nail Envy buddies? Also any polish that is awesome like this and gets on in two coats is a winner in my books.


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