
Friday, May 30, 2014

Zoya - Arabella

Hey guys,

Yay it's the weekend! I have a busy weekend ahead of me, another horse show. I'm going to go ahead and say that I'm sorry if don't wind up posting. Hopefully it won't be a problem.

I have my last PixieDust to show you guys today, I wanted to save this one for a Wednesday since on Wednesday's we wear pink and all except this week I guess I just postponed it to Friday. Hope you're all cool with that. So this is a bright pink pixiedust. Same good old application here. This is two coats.

This is
Zoya - Arabella


  1. It's very pretty! I like. I keep thinking I should pick up some of these textured Zoyas! :-)

  2. I still think Zoya has the best textured polish. I deffo prefer the sugared textured than anything chunky. The magical pixie dusts can be fairly chunky though, hm...


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