
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Julep - Francis

Hey guys,

So I'll be making this short and sweet seeing as it's late and I am super tired, I hope everyone is looking forward to Friday and now ON TO THE MAIN EVENT.

Yay I have another green Julep, actually Julep had a special red marker sale today that was supposed to be epic and you had to RSVP if you wanted early access. They totally shat the bed, like the sale was open way before the link went out and it was the same boring polish that is ALWAYS on sale. Did that stop me from picking something up? Nope but still get your act together Julep, I still haven't gotten my maven box for the month.

So this is a celery green polish, I actually wore all three greens from this week together in the same manicure I liked it. Application here was good. This was two coats.

This is
Julep - Francis

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