
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Digital Nails - Pandorica

Hey guys,

The end of vacation is always MEGA bittersweet. On one hand yay I get to sleep in my own bed tonight (although the bed in Calgary was quite comfy and amazing) but ugh back to work tomorrow. I guess on the bright side though I am headed to Nationals in a couple weeks so I get one more week stretch of vacation. Although sometimes I feel like horse shows don't count as vacations because of the crazy pace.

Today I have my very first Digital Nails polish to show you! This is starting almost a week of Digital Nails! So excited I am so in love with this brand even though this is the first taste of it I have had. SOLD. Starting out we're going to start with a Doctor Who inspired (you guys know how I love my Doctor Who) polish that more specifically was inspired by Rory Williams who is my FAVOURITE companion hands down, I actually have a Rory action figure my friend bought me after my Dad passed away. WHY DIDN'T I USE IT AS A PROP?? Oh well hindsight and all that jazz. I love this. It's Holo. I love holo, and it's black. I love black.
So to recap:
Rory Williams. Holo. Black. LOVE.
This was two coats. I can't wait for you guys to see what else I have coming down the pipe to show you.

This is
Digital Nails - Pandorica


  1. I totally love it in the last photo *faints* It's super gorgeous :-D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This one is so sick. I should have picked this one up too!


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