
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Julep - Claudia - August Birthstone

Hey guys,

I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday! I've decided to have a impromptu Marvel marathon and watch as many Avengers movies as I can (in chronological order) before I go over to a friend's tonight. That being said whatever I don't get to I can just watch tomorrow. 

Today I have the August Birthstone polish from Julep to show you guys. To anyone who doesn't know August's birthstone is Peridot which is a limey green gemstone. I think Julep nailed it on this one. I love when they do full coverage glitters. This was three coats with no undies.

This is
Julep - Claudia


  1. That sounds like fun :-)

    What a pretty glittery polish, I like it :-)

  2. These look Georgous and are perfect for autumn :D lovely post as always xoxo I've just started a blog of my own and if you're interested you are very welcome to visit. Followers are desperately needed!!!


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