
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Zoya - Arlo

Hey guys,

Well I had a bit of a "spendy" day today, first I ordered some fantastic winter boots for the barn that I am excited to recieve. Then I ordered a PMD (yep google that one) and THEN I went and had my hair cut. Although after almost a year of my stylist leaving her job as a hairdresser I have FINALLY found a new stylist who is amazing and actually worth her salt. So exciting to have hair I am excited about and not just annoyed with.

Tonight I have another of the Summer Magical Pixie Dusts for you this one was from the same collection as Bar and has very much the same feel, big chunky holo glitter in a jelly base. I found this didn't dry super matte but I like it anyways. This was two coats.

This is
Zoya - Arlo

1 comment:

  1. This does look amazing, I can imagine it being annoying to remove though! :-)


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