
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Julep - Neely

Hey guys,

So tonight I finished all my Christmas shopping! I'm fairly stoked about that. Now just to wrap. Bleh I hate wrapping. I always have great intentions then slowly it just devolves into everything looking like a five year old wrapped it.
Oh also for those wondering my birthday is on the 25th.

Today I have the second polish from the Reindeer Games set, this is s red cranberry glitter topper. I quite like this one. This is one coat over the other polish Nic.

This is
Julep - Neely
(Over Julep - Nic)

1 comment:

  1. Ah cool :-D I've still got a few bits and bobs to get! Ahhh 25th cool :-)

    This is a really pretty glitter - very festive :-D


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