
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Julep - Sushmita

Hey guys,

So now that my Christmas parties are over and I'm moving on to trying to get other stuff done I totally am really starting to understand why some people dread Christmas I mean don't get me wrong I am a major fan of Christmas. But trying to take care of everything on your own can be insane. All I can hope is that come Christmas break I will still have some shred of sanity and will return to normal.

Today I have a polish for you from one of Julep's summer collections. I want to say August but don't quote me on that. Anyways it was a super popular collection that I probably should have upgraded. Anyways recently they finally got more in stock so I jumped at the opportunity. This is a fuschia purple pink silk polish. This was two coats.

This is
Julep - Sushmita

1 comment:

  1. It's a nice colour and I like the finish :-)

    Oh man, I'm so disorganised for Christmas - still to get cards sorted. Me and the husband haven't even got anything for each other yet!! :-O


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