
Monday, August 18, 2014

Dollish Polish - The Angels Have The Phone Box

Hey guys,

So first day back at work after vacation SUCKS, okay in reality it really wasn't that bad. In other news has anyone been watching Outlander?? I am dying to re-read the books, actually just read. I think I only ever read the first one. I just feel the need to talk about it with someone!

Okay so I left the last legit Fandom polish (tomorrow's is a bonus) for my favourite one. Yep Doctor Who! It's a blue holo (squee) and inspired by Doctor Who so obviously I am all over this. LOVE

DON'T BLINK! Inspired by Doctor Who and his Tardis, this is a gorgeous royal blue scattered holo!

This is two coats.

This is
Dollish Polish - The Angels Have The Phone Box

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