
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dollish Polish - I'm The Ultimate Fangirl

Hey guys,

So I hate wasps, seriously I know a lot of people are all "Oh they won't bother you if you don't bother them," I call bullshit. Wasps are assholes! They made my life way more difficult while I was simply trying to change the cabin air filter. Jerks, pretty sure anyone watching me had a good laugh when I slammed the hood of my Escape then fled up the driveway.

Today we wrap up the Ultimate Fandom collection! Well part one anyways, yes there is a Part 2 soon to be released by Dollish Polish. This was initially a bonus shade only available to those who purchased the whole collection then they made it available to everyone due to demand, Although those who ordered the whole collection got it for free. I wasn't sure initially how I felt about this but once I got it on my nails I loved it!

an INSANE glitter topper; a complete cornucopia of matte & metallic glitters of every shade & size!!

This is two coats over pink.

This is
Dollish Polish - I'm The Ultimate Fangirl
over Julep - Carrie


  1. Seriously wasps are nasty! Bees are fine if you don't bother them yeah but not wasps. We get quite a lot during the summer over here in Scotland. I hate when they come into the house, because my 3 house cats show so much interest in trying to catch them, so I've got to make sure I get to the wasp before the cats do. Just in case the wasp stings them - that would be awful :-( They do freak me out and I remember my old house years ago had a wasps nest up in the loft - oh my god what a terrible time that was :-(

    On a lighter not, the polish is stunning and looks so good over the pink :-)

  2. Wasps are pure evil. When I was younger, my summer camp was helping elderly people, and we were painting the side of this lady's house. There were tons of wasps, and ... let's just say they don't like paint fumes, but if you pull the paint brush back toward you... they follow :(

    Enough about evil wasps, this polish is the complete opposite!!! <3 it


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