
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Julep - Joni - November Birthstone

Hey guys,

So I am thinking of moving to a 3 post a week schedule. Life is just getting busier and I hate knowing that I skipped a day. I'm hoping that a Mon-Wed-Sat/Sun post may take some of the pressure off. What do you guys think?

Today I have Julep's November birthstone to show you guys. I'm not a huge fan of orange polishes but I actually quite liked this one. The November birthstone is Citrine, this was two coats.

This is
Julep - Joni
November Birthstone

1 comment:

  1. If you need to miss a few days here & there that's fine :-) I missed yesterday - got sent home from work because I was sick and I'm off today - trying to catch up with everything! Hate feeling sick :-(

    This is really pretty and I like it a lot :-)


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