
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nerdist Manicure

Hey guys,

So today's manicure may be a bit obscure for some of you guys but it's very near and dear to my heart. So The Nerdist is a website/podcast network/way of life. That has personally been a life saver for me. It all started last year when Dad got sick, I found it really hard to listen to music while I worked since well when things turn upside down it seems that every song you listen to was written to make you cry.
So I turned to something I had long meant to check out, The Nerdist Podcast. And well some days it was all that kept me going. Since then I've become a faithful listener. If you have a nerdy bone in your body I highly recommend it.

So this one is for them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice mani :-)

    I always found that music and my 3 cats got me through a tough time a few years back. My poor husband felt helpless and left me to grieve - but my cats were there - in their own funny wee way. It's amazing the healing power animals have to offer us :-) But people who have no experience with animal don't understand that. I'm sure you see that with your horses :-)


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