Hey guys
So far today I've spent most of the day shuffling through old emails and old photo albums trying to get stuff off of the old computer my parents have so I can put it all on their new computer they just bought. Yes I am my family's resident computer tech and sometimes it's a huge pain. To be fair though I can't complain because while out buying said computer this little man was also gifted to me.

Everyone who knows me how much I love the movie Despicable Me and over everything how much I love minions. This is Dave and he is awesome. So no complaining about schlepping through computer junk.
Okay so nails.
I love the show Drop Dead Diva and in the show dead supermodel Deb's lucky polish is a teal polish (I can't remember the name of it and am way too lazy right now to find out) so her thing is always doing her pinky in the teal for good luck no matter what the colour of the rest of her manicure is.
so for this DDD inspired manicure I used
OPI - Do You Think I'm Tex-y (Pink)
OPI - Austin-tatious Turquoise
And in other news... IT'S ATL's 100th POST!!! Holy crap!! Time flies!