Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fuzzy Sweater Stripes

Hey guys,

So I know today there is a No H8 campaign going on in the blogosphere. I completely missed the boat on it though and while totally supporting it didn't have any purple manicures in my drafts folder. And my manicure for tomorrow is blue. So maybe you guys will forgive me because this manicure has purple in it? That being said it shouldn't matter anyways because it's the point not the colour that matters.

So enough is enough. Time to end bullying.

This is my Fuzzy Sweater Striped manicure.
I used a dotter to make these stripes and as a result it reminds me a but of a fuzzy sweater.
I used
A England - Dragon
A England  - Tristam
A England - Lady of the Lake

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